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Product Prioritization and Decision Making

    Ruthless Prioritization by Brandon Chu (Shopify). Brandon advocates applying ROI as metric rigorously to prioritize all initiatives.

    Your team’s time is the most precious resource a company has at it’s disposal, and if part of your job is to direct that time, you need to become great at it.

    Ken Norton’s Discipline of No ( A PM has to say no to many things, even if doing so is uncomfortable.

    What I like to remember is that saying ‘no’ to one thing is saying yes to something else. There are only a few things a team can really focus on. When you categorize something as non-urgent or non-important, that’s not saying things won’t change in the future. It just means there are other priorities that take precedence.

    Make Product Decisions Without Doubt — My Lessons from Twitter and Slack (First Round). In this, Rosania (Twitter, Slack, Linkedin) dissects four key product changes that made him sweat — and the tactics he used to power through the doubt that accompanied them.

    How to Prioritize a Product Roadmap by Sachin Rekhi (Founder & CEO @ Notejoy). Sachin recommends 3 lenses for a roadmap:

    • Customer obsession
    • Business obsession
    • Vision obsession

    Rightsizing your product plan, but not your vision by Steven Sinofsky (Microsoft). Steven discusses approach to rightsizing the product roadmap amongst multiple goals and constraints.

    Checkboxes that kill your product by Alex Limi (Mozilla). Alex talk about the complexity in the product (Firefox) as a result of inability to decide.

    Why prioritized feature lists can be poisonous by Ken Norton (Google). Prioritized feature lists sometimes hide the context and difference between urgency across different items.

    The Next Feature Fallacy: The fallacy that the next new feature will suddenly make people use your product by Andrew Chen (a16z). Andrew emphasizes to focus on the features already implemented vs adding new features.

    Designing for scale and the tyranny of choice by Steven Sinofsky (Microsoft). The path to a simple product design goes through making hard choices.

    Product Roadmap Prioritisation by Roman Pichler. He provides 3 tips for prioritization.
